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Area Agencies on Aging

An Area Agency on Aging (AAA) is a public or private non-profit agency, designated by the state to address the needs and concerns of all older persons at the regional and local levels. “Area Agency on Aging” is a generic term—specific names of local AAAs may vary. AAAs are primarily responsible for a geographic area, also known as a PSA, that is either a city, a single county, or a multi-county district. AAAs may be categorized as: county, city, regional planning council or council of governments, private, or non-profit.

AAAs coordinate and offer services that help older adults remain in their homes - if that is their preference - aided by services such as Meals-on-Wheels, homemaker assistance, and whatever else it may take to make independent living a viable option. By making a range of options available, AAAs make it possible for older individuals to choose the services and living arrangements that suit them best.